Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Recommendation: Lending Club!

Please use the link below to sign up for Lending Club - the best peer to peer investing site around.

You will receive $100.00 on an initial investment of $2,500 or more because DSIFTCM invited you to join Lending Club!

Lending Club is an online financial community that brings together creditworthy borrowers and savvy investors so that both can benefit financially. They replace the high cost and complexity of bank lending with a faster, smarter way to borrow and invest. The Lending Club experience is truly liberating:
  • You can join in minutes.
  • If you're borrowing, you can apply for a loan and get an instant rate quote.
  • If you're investing, you can open an account instantly and get started building a portfolio that can earn more than other investments with comparable risk.
  • Everything is done online, so the whole process is fast, confidential, private, and secure.
Click here to watch a very convincing video as to why you should sign up today. Additionally, feel free to watch the videos below to learn more about Lending Club.

Lending Club is a consumer loan origination and investment platform. Since inception they have originated nearly $677,540,500 in loans to prime credit borrowers. As of June 11, 2012 every investor with 800 Notes or more purchased directly from Lending Club has experienced a positive return regardless of the timing of investment or the allocation across Note grades. You can purchase 800 Notes with a minimum investment of $20,000.

Lending Club Notes have provided an average Net Annualized Return by grade between 5.81% for A grade Notes and 11.97% for G grade Notes. You can choose the grade or grades that fit your investment goals. Net Annualized Return per grade net of defaults and fees from inception to 6/11/12.

As of June 11, 2012, over 39,077 investors had funded nearly $677,540,500 in loans and received over $58,923,050 in interest payments. Lending Club has attracted many types of investors, from professional fixed income investors like family offices and insurance companies to individuals saving for retirement, with accounts ranging from a few thousand to millions of dollars.

PS.. Click here to sign up -->

Lending Club Review

Lending Club - Is It a Good Investment?

Lending Club Review - How To Invest In Loans Like A Bank

1 comment:

  1. You are very good and gracious to offer and explain this excellent opportunity to prospective investors. Albeit, you will get some extra money from Lending Club as a result, but you deserve it. Myself, I joined Lending Club 2 months ago... It feels "fabulous" to be in this club. I am invigorated to be connected to such a master mind/collective of persons who recognize A FABULOUS OPPORTUNITY! Also, it feels good to be associated with persons who recognize the value of "saving some money"!! Peace. M




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