Sunday, April 29, 2012

Warren Buffet - The World's Greatest Money Maker?

You be the judge. Watch the great documentary posted below about Warren Buffet and his Berkshire Hathaway empire. Please let me know your thoughts.

Do you own shares of Berkshire Hathaway Inc.(NYSE:BRK.B) Current Value per share $80.56 or Berkshire Hathaway Inc.(NYSE:BRK.A) Current Value per share $120,925.00? Feel free to visit Berkshire's homepage, here.


  1. Its amazing how well he has been able to invest. The funny thing is it is not a magic way of investing. The secret to success in the stock market is being consistent and boring.

    Why do you think the rich take trips all over the world, buy fast cars, or have massive mansions. Its because their financial life is boring, they don't get excitement out of bills or income its just part of the game. No emotion with money.

  2. I completely agree with you Francis. Continue to invest little by little and you'll see your Roth IRA stock portfolio grow year after year. Thanks for your support! Have a great day!




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