Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Avon Products, Inc. - AVP

Avon Products, Inc., stock ticker AVP, creates, manufactures and markets beauty and non-beauty related products. Product categories are beauty, fashion and home. AVP's international operations are conducted through subsidiaries in 63 countries and territories outside of the United States. AVP's products are distributed in 41 other countries and territories. 

AVP currently has a dividend yield of 4.09%, which is a $0.23 per share. They have paid their shareholders a dividend since February 16th, 1988 and have never stopped their payout. AVP's market cap totals $9.68 billion and 86% of their purchased shares are institutionally owned. AVP is a classic dividend growth investment. Investing in AVP during your working career is an excellent decision since I believe AVP will grow in value and they will increase their dividend as you work your way up the corporate ladder.

Avon presents great value in their stock because of it being oversold and its 4% dividend. They have made advancements in their skin products putting it on par with Estee Lauder and Lancome for half the price. Great company for those unemployed, easy to sell products because you can easily convert customer once they've tried products. Between growth in earnings and a decent yield this should outperform the S&P. Avon does well regardless of the economy. Just as an Avon lady is trying to obtain residual income for themselves by hocking Avon product, we as investors can obtain residual income by simply purchasing shares of AVP. 

Click here to visit Avon's company website and also here to visit their investor relations section of their website. Feel free to watch the Avon videos below to learn more about the company and just how loyal their employees and customers are. The Avon lady is calling! Telling you to invest your hard earned dollars into AVP, set it and forget it. Reinvest those dividends and let your money compound year after year.  

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